Virtual Roundtable on Frictionless: Future-Proof Your Customer Experience

13july2:00 pm3:00 pmVirtual Roundtable on Frictionless: Future-Proof Your Customer ExperienceA Council Virtual Event

Event Details

Roger Dooley, Bestselling Author of:

  • Friction: The Untapped Force That Can Be Your Most Powerful Advantage
  • Brainfluence: 100 Ways to Persuade and Convince Consumers with Neuromarketing

There is no doubt that the pandemic changed customer experience and customer expectations. Today, customers are less loyal. Employees are less loyal, and the dramatic increase in AI capability has the potential to reshape the competitive landscape. The key to a high-performing organization is understanding how our brains govern our behavior. Science-based business expert Roger Dooley, a Top 50 Global Thought Leader on Customer Loyalty, will show you how simple changes in customer and employee experience can increase profits, reduce employee turnover, and cut customer churn.

Key Take-Aways:

  • Cautionary case studies: how tiny companies grew to dominate big brand competitors
  • Insight on the common factor that hurts both customer experience and employee engagement
  • Examples of why customers hate being pushed to self-service and how AI can change this



July 13(Thursday) 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT(GMT-05:00)



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