Virtual Executive Assembly: Customer Experience Matters Now, More than Ever

06may2:00 pm3:00 pmVirtual Executive Assembly: Customer Experience Matters Now, More than Ever

Event Details

Moderator: James Walker, CFE, Senior Vice President, Restaurant, Nathan’s Famous, Inc.

Session Abstract:

As many businesses have been immediately impacted by the Global COVID-19 crisis it is imperative that organizations be reactive, TODAY, to changes in customers’ needs. How important is the emotional connection we have with our customers, and can we treat them as guests in our business, even if that visit is virtual? Prior to the crisis, Customer Experience comprised more than 15% of Marketing Budgets, a 9% increase to 2017, how is this spend likely to change, and where should those funds be spent?

Key-Take Aways:

Best in-class examples of organizations who are reacting in a positive way to the current crisis
Insight on what patterns of current behavior will last after the current crisis is gone, and how we can prepare for that future
Best practices on how can we be PROACTIVE, to the next event that impacts our business



May 6(Wednesday) 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT(GMT+00:00)

How To Join

The Customer Engagement Leadership Council is accepting applications for membership. Complete the form below and a member of our team will contact you to share more about the incredible value of the Customer Engagement Leadership Council.

Office Location

Frost & Sullivan
7550 1H 10 West, Suite 400
San Antonio, TX 78229-5616 USA