Webinar Week Series: Customer Contact

21may11:00 am12:00 pmWebinar Week Series: Customer ContactSelf-Service Strategy: Before, During and After a Crisis

Event Details

Brent Sparks
Senior Director, Self Service Platforms
Customer Success Products

Crystal Collier
Executive Consultant

Our world is upside down! The COVID-19 crisis has challenged us in many ways, but it also has given us an opportunity to re-examine the way we do business. Our old self-service strategy was upended, and we have done our best to react to the dramatically and rapidly changing environment. Now that we (hopefully) are approaching a new normal, what are we going to keep doing? Stop doing? Start doing?

Recovery is critical to adapt to the new normal. Join us as we explore how you can adapt to deliver the self-service options your customers now expect.

Key Take-Aways:

  • Lessons learned during the crisis.
  • Critical factors to consider for future self-service strategy.
  • Insight on how to develop a new self-service strategy.
  • A framework to get started on mapping and delivering CX in the new normal.

Reminder: The 30-minute presentation will be followed by a 30-minute, interactive, virtual roundtable discussion, exclusively for Customer Engagement Leadership Council members and associate members.



May 21(Thursday) 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT(GMT+00:00)

How To Join

The Customer Engagement Leadership Council is accepting applications for membership. Complete the form below and a member of our team will contact you to share more about the incredible value of the Customer Engagement Leadership Council.

Office Location

Frost & Sullivan
7550 1H 10 West, Suite 400
San Antonio, TX 78229-5616 USA