Visionary Innovation Research

(Mega Trends)

Traditional Corporate Responsibility is Out!

BPOs Transforming Employee Engagement into a Competitive Advantage

Virtual Assistant Invasion – Will They Take Over the Contact Center

Advancements in Speech Technologies, Big Data and AI Unlock Growth Potential for Customer Care

Hearing and Acting on the Voice of the Customer

Enterprise feedback management, voice of customer, and voice of employee programs and surveys

Enhancing Omnichannel Agent Productivity

Guided assistance, desktop automation, displays, robotic process automation (RPA), excellent supervision

Digital Transformation Meets the Contact Center

What Companies Need to Know to Survive in a Digital World

Internet of Things-based Solutions for Customer Support, US, 2018

Need to Deliver Timely Support, Improve Process Transparency, and Enhance Customer Experience

End User Priorities for Customer Engagement, Global, 2018

Navigating Digital Transformation in Contact Centers

Engineering a Culture of Security Consciousness in the Customer Service Organization

Customers are more concerned than ever about how companies use their data

Artificial Intelligence Applied to the Customer Experience in Latin America, 2018

Moving Beyond Chatbots to Provide Seamless Customer Engagement

Enterprise Data Storage Market Insights

Future Technologies and Trends Will Drive Market Growth

2016 Global Contact Center Systems Buyers Guide

Choosing a Vendor for Omnichannel Transformation

The Contact Center is Rich with Data—Why Add More?

Big Data’s Place in Customer Service

Successfully Cloud-Enabling Enterprise Resource Planning

Agility, Features, OPEX Pricing Model Propel Demand for Cloud ERP Systems

Ensuring Profitable Customer Web Experiences

Sharp Mobile-Friendly Design, Content, Data Analysis, Testing Key to Successful Web Experiences

Nearshore is All Grown Up

Hot BPO Delivery Destinations

Enhancing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) for Small Midsized Businesses (SMB)

Smart CRM Strategies, Tactics, and Solutions for SMB Growth

BPO Enabling Technology Part II

Radically Transforming Client Partnerships

Ensuring an Excellent Omnichannel Retail Experience

Ensuring an Excellent Omnichannel Retail Experience