may, 2023

25may2:00 pm3:00 pmVirtual Roundtable on Enabling First-Class Self ServeA Council Virtual EventRemote

Event Details

Namrata Rathore, Senior Director, Access Center, Orlando Health Medical Group

In recent years, customer service and experience leaders have greatly accelerated investment in digital channels and capabilities, hoping to offer a better service experience to customers. To ensure we enable first class self-service we will review the known myths and realities about customer service journey. This session will challenge us as experience driven nimble leaders to bust through the myths and embrace the realties and how they support us in the journey of creating better tools for first-class self-service.

Key Take-Aways:

  • Top myths and realities we know about the customer service experience journey
  • Best practices for enabling self-services that meet the customers need where they are in the journey
  • Insight on what is required to continue to innovate and improve your self-service options for low effort and high customer satisfaction



(Thursday) 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm EDT



How To Join

The Customer Engagement Leadership Council is accepting applications for membership. Complete the form below and a member of our team will contact you to share more about the incredible value of the Customer Engagement Leadership Council.

Office Location

Frost & Sullivan
7550 1H 10 West, Suite 400
San Antonio, TX 78229-5616 USA